Monday, February 15, 2016

Employee gets salary for 6 years without working – Noticed only when he got an award

Joaquin Garcia Engineer (69) was recently fined $30,000 for the extended paid vacation from a water treatment plant in Cadiz and that was the maximum penalty government officials could deliver - BBC.

No one noticed this until as Deputy Mayor Jorge Blas the man who hired him says “I wondered whether he was, still working there, had he retired, had he died? But the payroll showed he was still receiving a salary”.

Garcia had been recognized for his hard work on 2010 and for his 20 years’ service. He had been selected for an award, and surprisingly only that time the officials found out that he has not been to the office from a long time. I called him and asked “What did you do yesterday? The month before, the month before that” and he didn’t have any answers, Blas says.

Garcia’s co-workers was thinking that the plant is being overseen by the local authorities as they hadn’t seen him from a long time.

Finally he was fined such a big amount to pay and Garcia petitioned to the Deputy Mayor not to pay the fine but to review the judgment.

Haven’t we seen so many other versions of Gracias among us coming to office everyday but not working! 


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