Monday, April 18, 2016

How to take down an Illegal Drone video - 4 Famous methods – Last one is the best

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Drones, Quad-copters and Hexa-Copters became famous so fast, everyone need to have a drone with a camera so you can put your nose on others business. Have you experienced that feeling of violating your privacy? No one will tolerate if an illegal drone hovering over your property. So if such thing happen how you would react, throw stones at it or shoot.

These 4 videos will give you the best solution to get rid of illegal drones. Keep yourself away from your nosy neighbor trying to put you on YouTube.

1. Battle DroneDefenderTM

This device use the GPS technology to disrupt the signal of the drone with 400m range. No damage and simply bring the drone to the ground slowly.

2. SkyWall 100

This is awesome, looks like a rocket launcher, this simply sent a bullet to the targeted drone which consist of a net so the drone will be stopped working and it has a parachute to bring down the drone safely.

3. Excipio Net Gun Drone

Drone against drone, you send another drone to take down the illegal drone, this will looks like a video game, and you have to be skilled with your drone piloting abilities.

4. Trained Eagles

And the best is this, most trusted method to be used against illegal drones, train your eagle to catch the drone, simple like that. You might want to see the face of the owner of the illegal drone.


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