Wednesday, May 4, 2016

He slept enough everyday - do you ?


We all have our own ways of doing things, we all have list of things that we do daily. These things we did daily really made the person who we are now. Bill gates, world’s richest person also has his own list of things he do daily which actually made him this success. Sometime we also may be doing the same things he did, but don’t worry if you are not lucky enough as Gates yet, your luck may be on the way.

1.       He loved to read, not something specially selected but everything.                                                          
An extraordinary person he is, he read everything he got a chance to read. He was so much interested in reading things. Just imagine of you are a person who reads anything whenever you can what kind of knowledge you’ll gain. People get bored while reading, but people won’t get bored while watching something interested. Same like if reading is something you like, you’ll never get bored while reading, like Bill gates.

1.       He spent his day learning

As I said earlier, how extraordinary he is. Gates sat on some class rooms which he didn’t even sign up. He had that thirst of learning stuff, which clearly sent him following new things. Aren’t we all learning new thing every day, yes we do but what the difference? Difference is we learn things if we are compelled to do so, by Parents, society, boss...etc.

1.       He planned his income

Gates planned his money, income, he planned more further even for the next year. Yes we know it’s not easy when you can’t even have a guaranty about tomorrow. Bill Gates says    "I wanted to have enough money in the bank to pay a year's worth of payroll even if we didn't get any payments coming in, and I'm true to that almost the whole time," in an interview in 1988. How responsible he is.

1.       Trusting your self

Everyone knows the story how Gates and Allen launched Microsoft, when everyone’s saying that they are wrong, they just went on doing what they thought was correct. But this is very serious, we all have experienced this doing what we think is correct and being wrong most of the time.

1.       Sleep enough

Some people believe that if you’re a hard worker, genius you will sleep late. Yes may be but you have to sleep enough like 7 hours enough. Bill gates never missed his 7 hours of sleep every day. He says that he believe, he can’t be creative if he couldn’t get a good sleep.

1.       Appreciate other’s work too

Not just to show you’re a good person, but to learn from them. Bill gates still says that starting business with Paul Allen was one of his best decisions. He give credits to his business partner, he appreciate his work for Microsoft. By appreciating or giving credits to others for their work makes you not just a better person but a humble and learning person.

Finally, Be like Bill Gates. Cut out the bad start the good.


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